Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
School Board Approves New Uniform at Atlantic City High School
winter to keep warm. "It's our way of honoring our dead homies," Taneesha Smith said, a fifth year senior who was wearing a "Tell me why they had to die?" t-shirt memorializing her three friends who were shot at a local drugstore last year. "I don't want nobody to forget my dawg," said 24 year old tenth grade student R.J. Miller, who was wearing a "Gone but not forgotten" R.I.P. t-shirt to remember his friend T-bone, who was gunned down last week. "He was just trying to buy some blunt. It didn't have to go down like that," he added. "The problem we're dealing with now is what students should do if they're shot while they're wearing a R.I.P. t-shirt," said Assistant Principal T.K. Greely. "Do they keep wearing that shirt or should they wear a new shirt honoring their own shooting? Nobody knows." Despite objections from one parent who moved to Atlantic City this morning, gang members test scores are on the rise with one out of every 20 students now showing up to take the test, and only one out of four students being shot prior to completing the reading section. Silk Screening teacher J.P. Higgins said he plans on unveiling a special graduation R.I.P. t-shirt which will showcase a collage of every student killed since freshman year.
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6:56 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Homerun Media Frenzy Over, Bonds Mulls Killing Fred Goldman
San Francisco, CA - Barry Bonds thrives on the media attention he curses. Injecting himself with steroids made him famous and increased his baseball cap by two sizes, a feat doctors say only happens if you're taking steroids or have elephant disease. Now that Bonds cheated his way to the top, all that awaits him is a trial. Reportedly jealous of the endless attention showered on O.J. Simpson, Bonds' friends speculate that he may kill Fred Goldman. "I don't know if he'll kill Fred or his wife but I know he's thinking about killing someone," said Marcus Allan, a childhood friend. Bonds is also considering writing a new book, If I Did It, which would discuss how fans would have reacted if he actually broke the homerun record legitimately.
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8:40 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Students Hone Gears of War Skills in Mr. Hennigan's American History Class
Coral Springs, FL - In a 2007 student poll, eleventh grade tenured American History teacher Jim Hennigan was selected the "Most Popular" at Woodland High School in Coral Springs. "He has a big following," Rachel McIntire, the Student Government President explained. "There's a waiting list to get in." Hennigan, the school's varsity football coach, permits students to play X-box in class. The activities are concealed behind a U.S. Constitution poster which hangs on his door window. "Allowing kids to experience the soldiers of Delta Squad saving people on Sera from the Locust Horde exposes them to the realities of war," Hennigan recently told Zach Figel, a reporter for the school's underground newspaper The Forest. Rather than study the "shot heard 'round the world" or the Battle of Gettysburg, students fight the wars of Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago. "He told us just to be cool about it and not fight over who has first ups," said student Erik Harley, who plays during Period B. "Basically, if we come to class and don't say anything, we get a good grade and he gets to read the sports section."
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6:41 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Satellite Locates Bush Supporter
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12:28 PM
Stingrays Rally For "Stingray Week" On Discovery Channel
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12:00 AM
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Joan Rivers Undergoes Plastic Surgery; Mouth Now Opens in Back of Head
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8:07 PM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Bridge Collapse Paralyzes Nation
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8:40 PM
Bonds Sets Sights on At-Bats Record
Los Angeles, CA - In a post game interview, Barry Bonds admitted that he is intentionally not hitting any more homeruns in order to punish everyone who has accused him of taking steroids. "I just want to make them keep watching me. Let them all stay up until midnight every night." Bonds added that his new goal is to break Pete Rose's at-bats record of 14,053. He currently has 9,763. "You can keep watching my daughter make chicken motions in the stands for the rest of the season," he said. Mark Nies, a fan who dressed as a giant head for the game against the Los Angeles Dodgers, said he hopes Bonds breaks the record in Dodgers' Stadium so he can be there to boo him. Bonds also admitted that he told Bud Selig to buy plane tickets to San Diego, Colorado, Arizona, Houston, St. Louis, Chicago, and Milwaukee. An FBI spokesman said they have launched a probe into a relationship between NBA referee Tim Donaghy and Bonds for colluding in a stock options deal with American Airlines.
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6:25 AM
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Homeless Man Unable to Make Condo Payments
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5:35 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Ice From Cheney's Veins Used to Cool California Heatwave
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9:43 PM
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