Thursday, September 20, 2007

Senator Cornyn Introduces Flurry of Non-Binding Legislation

Washington, DC - After receiving widespread praise from the Christian Coalition for passing non-binding legislation condemning's "General Betray-Us" ad, oat feeling Texas Senator John Cornyn introduced a bill this afternoon condemning Jake Byrd from the Jimmy Kimmel show. "The good, decent, and honorable people of America do not appreciate Mr. Byrd mocking our legal system while O.J. Simpson defends his good name," Cornyn said, as Senator Larry Craig of Idaho stood by his side. Byrd, who is still reeling from the Paris Hilton incarceration, said he plans on taking out his own ad in Sunday's newspaper. The ad will ask Senator Cornyn if he plans on censuring his congressional colleagues who have been charged with stalking young boys, using drugs, hiring prostitutes, and taking bribes while simultaneously killing thousands of innocent people and running our country into the ground with a $9 trillion debt. University of Florida police offered to taser founder Wes Boyd and Miami police offered to shoot Jake Byrd 14 times in the head.

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