Potomac, MD - Sushi, a Yorkshire Terrier, shattered the record for most sniffs on a walk today, sniffing more than 21,000 blades of grass before going to the bathroom. "I wanted to kill him," his owner said of the record. The sniffing included a dead lizard, bird droppings, an ant hill, dead worms, a fallen branch, two fire hydrants, and previous work from other dogs. Sushi replaces Marshmellow, a Bedlington Terrier, who previously sniffed a reported 19,084 blades of grass, 13 bushes, a light post, and an empty McDonald's bag, making her owner 30 minutes late to work in the process. Last year, Sushi attempted to break the record for most consecutive barks when someone knocked on the door but fell short of the longstanding 462 mark set by Jake, a Poodle in Michigan, when he paused to lick himself.

Thursday, July 5, 2007
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