Portland, OR – Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is already under investigation for asking former Attorney General John Ashcroft to sign wiretapping papers while he was in a coma, reportedly visited Tammy Faye Messner in the hospital hours before she died of cancer. “He asked her to sign over her make-up collection to him,” Senator Russ Feingold said. “This guy is shameless.” L’Oreal spokeswoman Kitty Cartwright said, “Tammy Faye requested to be buried with all of her make-up on so if Mr. Gonzales wants it, he will have to get in the coffin with her.” In unrelated news, J.K. Rowling wrote a scathing e-mail to Scooter Libby after she discovered he revealed the ending to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows on his blog.

Friday, July 27, 2007
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