Sunday, June 24, 2007
Clinton Whacks Giuliani
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7:20 AM
Steinbrenner Fires Torre, Hires Martin
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6:44 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Congress Launches Bush to Mars
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8:58 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Jolie-Pitt Fetus Named "Sexiest Man Alive"
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2:18 PM
O.J. Sees Killer
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8:43 AM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Post Office Delivers Unmitigated Annoyance to Americans
Langley, VA – The United States Post Office issued a press release today at 2:42 pm stating that they are raising stamp prices by one cent effective Friday. This is their second announcement of the day. At 9:50 am, they announced they would be raising stamp prices by two cents effective immediately. Americans flooded the streets with “Stop the Fleecing!” signs and hanged the Postmaster General in effigy. Mike Walters, the President of Americans Against Inane and Relentless Stamp Increases, threatened to throw his childhood stamp collection into the Boston Harbor, with the exception of his 1984 Sarajevo Olympic ice skating stamps. “Usually they give us a chance to go out and buy the stamps before they announce another hike and force us all to buy the one cent stamps,” he said. While standing on a three-mile line at her local post office, a customer added, “I just got the one cent stamps and now I have to get two cent stamps to go with the one cent stamps. My husband told me I could just get three cent stamps to go with my 39 cent stamps but I still have 37 cent stamps so I think I’ll get five cent stamps but then I would still be stuck with the 39 cent stamps.” Shortly after speaking with us, the customer pulled out a gun and shot herself in the head. To offset customer complaints, the Post Office handed out free popping paper and Snoopy adhesive labels and announced that they will be issuing a new stamp, called the “Endless Stamp”, which shows a picture of Anna Nicole Smith on the evening news. It can be used for any purpose. In an ironic twist of events, disgruntled customers entered a Post Office on 23rd and H Street in Washington, D.C. and began shooting the mailmen. Police were unable to enter the crime scene. Apparently the doors had been sealed shut with one-cent stamps and the Postmaster General was wrapped with packing tape and stuffed into a FedEx box. The U.S. Post Office issued a statement that to compensate for costs incurred as a result of the attack, they will be raising the price of a first class stamp by one cent effective Monday.
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6:40 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Rose Wilts Under Spotlight
Cincinnati, OH – In 1987, all-time hits leader Pete Rose rented “The Goonies” from the Blockbuster on Batten Road. Rose once said that Dodgers Coach Tommy LaSorda reminded him of the character “Chunk” and Reds owner Marge Schott looked a lot like “Mama Fratelli”. For years, Rose claimed he returned the movie in the night drop box three days after renting it and buying some twizzlers. Blockbuster officials repeatedly said they never received it and threatened to ban Rose from their “If it’s not here, you get a free rental” offer. In a news conference from his driveway this afternoon, Rose admitted that he never returned the video. “I’m ashamed,” he said. “I’ve kept it a secret all these years. I’ll do whatever I have to do if they let me back in.” Rose, who reportedly owes the video chain $84,395, did not confirm if he would pay the fine. When reporters asked him if he would consider a subscription to Netflix, which has unlimited rental times, Rose quietly replied, “I’d bet on it.”
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9:56 PM
Undercooked Lobster Claws Man's Nose
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1:20 PM
Tinky Winky Delivers Falwell Farewell
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10:37 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sea Turtles Caught Laughing
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3:10 PM
CIA Proposes Adding Side to Pentagon
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12:17 PM
Thomas Finds Pubic Hair in Cheeseburger
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10:00 AM
Teacher Admits "No Purpose for Geometry"
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9:04 AM
Friday, June 8, 2007
Bush Creeps Out Merkel at G8 Summit
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12:47 AM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Cheney Authorizes Hilton Torture
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11:58 PM
Mother Shatters Headache Record
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10:17 PM
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Pelosi Declines Leading Role
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5:56 PM
Gore Questioned in Pool Accident
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1:20 PM
Native Americans Welcome Queen to Jamestown
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8:41 AM
Bonds Breaks Record
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8:28 AM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Jolie Adopts Fourth Child
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1:00 PM
FBI Offers $5,000 Reward for Democrats' Backbone
Washington, DC – An MRI of the Democratic leadership in Congress revealed the majority of members are missing their backbone, the series of vertebrae that prop up the spine and allow people to make moral decisions with conviction. Doctors were unable to explain how the Congressmen continued working spinelessly; however, they suggested that when people do something for an extended period of time, sometimes the body adjusts and allows them to continue with minimal discomfort. When asked why more reward money was not being offered for the missing backbones, FBI Director Robert Mueller replied that even when they had it, they so rarely used it that we had a hard time justifying an increase in the bounty.
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12:17 PM
Monday, June 4, 2007
Publix Customer Dies at Deli Counter
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11:17 PM
Groundhog Day Replaying in Theatres
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9:07 PM
Rice Smile Causes 8% Drop in Chinese Stocks
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6:27 PM
Bush Ad-Lib Starts War in Northern Ireland
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2:56 PM
Troops to Country: "Stop Thanking Us"
Baghdad, Iraq - Four years into the Iraq War, American soldiers continue to serve their country, battling sectarian violence in an explosive civil conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. Commanders and soldiers on the ground report progress propping up the new government and training a Naked-Gun-like Iraqi police force but continue to express concerns about American sentiment back home. "We're so tired of everyone thanking us. We know you don't want us here. You have to thank us or you'll be accused of not be supporting our mission," an unnamed soldier remarked. Joe Biden, the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued an apology to the troops. "I want to extend our sincere gratitude to the troops for expressing their concern. Thank you for your service to our nation. We support you."
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12:11 PM
Smithsonian Requests Richardson Ego
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11:41 AM
Sunday, June 3, 2007
McCain Straight Talk Express Crashes into Clinton Southern Drawl Bus
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8:14 PM
Lou Dobbs Builds Barbed Wire Fence Around CNN Studio
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6:03 PM
Bill Clinton Interviews Potential White House Interns
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9:19 AM
Alberto Gonzales Forgets ATM-PIN
Washington, DC - Alberto Gonzales, the Attorney General maligned over the alleged political firing of seven U.S. Attorneys, left a Safeway shopping market in Georgetown empty handed today. "I can't recall my damn PIN," Gonzales snipped. Presdient Bush reiterated his support for Gonzales. "His initials are AG and he is the AG. That's why I picked him. I don't know why he is sewing but he is a good, decent, and honorable man who has brought goodness, decency, and honorability to the office of the AG." Gonzales has refused to resign amid the scandal and insists that like the people he fired without the President's authorization, he serves at the pleasure of the President. "Right now, I'm focused on finding out where the heck I wrote my PIN so I can get some dinner," he said. Gonzales was unable to use his credit cards after he mistook himself for the leader of an al-Qaeda cell and ordered the Justice Department to cancel them. Earlier in the week, Gonzales didn't recall his wife's birthday and left his dog outside overnight.
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9:03 AM
Bush Revises Pledge of Allegiance
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1:40 AM
Former President Carter Nails Volunteer
Atlanta, GA - Millard and Linda Fuller began their dream to build houses for the poor in 1976. Since then, Habitat for Humanity has built more than 150,000 homes for the impoverished. While it is estimated that 140,000 of those homes currently operate as crack houses, nobody doubts the sincerity of the Habitat volunteers. After he left us lining up for gas on odd days while American hostages waited hopelessly to be rescued in Iran, Jimmy Carter left the White House to become one of those valiant volunteers building houses for those less fortunate than everyone who didn't live through his administration. In a tragic accident Sunday, Carter may have demonstrated why he would be better off playing bridge at a retirement community. "He nailed my damn hand to the wall," Kathryn Bennis, a Habitat volunteer said. "It really hurt." A Carter spokesman issued an apology from the former President, which read, "I did not mean to nail Kathryn's hand to the wall. I remember when I was a child growing peanuts on the farm in Georgia with my father. He used to tell me that every peanut has a shell and to eat the peanut, you must break the shell..." (Our reporter on the scene fell through a hole in the floor and was taken to a local hospital before Carter could finish his story. We found his notes to bring you this portion of it.) The White House issued a statement calling the former President the worst carpenter in American history.
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1:17 AM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Man Dressed in Big Foot Costume Shot by NYPD
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10:48 PM
Gibson Weds Coulter
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9:56 PM
Oprah Winfrey Donates $650 Billion to Build New Planet
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9:42 PM
Friday, June 1, 2007
Bush Administration Celebrates Milestone -- 500,000 Iraqi Civilians Dead
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7:49 PM
President-Elect Romney and First Ladies Evelyn Romney, Judy Romney, and Mary Romney Preparing for White House
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7:43 PM
Hillary Clinton Forgets Stance on War
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7:30 PM
President Bush Endorses Global Warming
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6:42 PM
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