Westfield, NJ - Mrs. Fisher, a high school Geometry teacher, confessed to her students today what they had long believed: there is no reason to learn Geometry. "I knew it!" said Pete Kopache, a ninth grade student. "I'll never use it. My father is 42 and he still hasn't used it." Students have written about the practical application of Geometry in underground newspapers since the 1960's, concluding that there is no use for prisms, spheres, equilateral polygons, and parallelograms. Administrators scrambled to replace the class with something that might prepare students for the real world. The scandal broke following a pregnant pause when a student asked the proverbial high school question, "Why do we have to learn this?" Mrs. Fisher, a self-described intercept addict, couldn't answer the question and instead, beads of sweat dripping from her forehead, began diagramming the area of a trapezoid. "I told them that it's fun," she said, "but that it is really just a requirement."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
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