Brooklyn, NY - A man dressed in a Big Foot costume was shot 61 times today on his way to a Halloween party. “It was a case of mistaken identify,” Vince DiCarlo, NYPD Chief of Police said. “The officer thought he was a muslim terrorist. All he saw was the beard.” Witnesses said Big Foot never had a chance. “They just shot his ass,” an onlooker said. “You can’t even wear a damn Big Foot costume anymore.” This is the second case of mistaken identify by the NYPD in as many days. Yesterday, an officer shot Winnie the Pooh. “The NYPD is going to put me out of business,” said Missy Graboski, a costume shop owner. “I can’t even sell a damn Geico Caveman mask anymore.”

Saturday, June 2, 2007
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