Albuquerque, NM - Bill Richardson, the former Governor of New Mexico, Diplomat, U.S. Representative, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., and Energy Secretary, declared that he is running for President of the United States. Richardson is poised to become the least well known person in American history to hold the most prominent jobs in government. After hearing Richardson tout his experience and speak endlessly about his qualifications for the Oval Office, the curator of a new Freud exhibit at the Smithsonian submitted a formal request for Richardson's ego. "I would like to study it to find out how it got so big," the curator said. "It sounds like this guy has a problem keeping a job." When asked if he would consider donating his ego, Richardson replied, "When I was the President of my sophomore class in high school, people used to ask me why I got involved. I created a show and tell program in kindergarten, served as a line leader in the fifth grade and a hall monitor in the eighth grade so it was a natural progression for me."

Monday, June 4, 2007
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